Ok, keeping up on this thing is going to be more difficult than I anticipated. I will try and do better! In my defense, I started work last week and it's just been busy busy.
Work is GREAT. I work in the Press Office and also help out the Senator and Chief of Staff's secretary. In the morning, we have to go through newspapers and find all the stories that either mention Senator Bennett. or would be of any interest to him at all. It keeps me busy almost right up to lunchtime. After lunch, it's mostly random things that I do. Which means that I am running around lost in the Capital a lot of the time, looking for offices. Which means I get to see lots of cool things, so I don't mind!
Every Tuesday I get to go wait at the policy lunch that the Dem's and Rep's have. And at last week's I saw President-elect Obama walk out of the meeting. He was ten feet away from me! It was cool!
Another beauty of working on the Hill is the awesome things I see everyday, such as the Capital and the Supreme Court at night! It's so beautiful. Every time I walk by it I am still amazed that I am here. I will update soon, because I get to go to the Inauguration on Tuesday and I will have lots to talk about. I get seated seats right up front and will probably meet Oprah.
Angela! It's Brooke Carroll, how the heck are you doing, woman? Your blog was AWESOME, that's so cool that you are working there!!! I had absolutely no idea. My blog is private, so if you want to write me back (if you have time, of course!), send a quick email to bcass_crazybeautiful@yahoo.com, and I will send you an invite if you want! I would really love to hear from you. I hope that you are doing very, very well and are having an excellent time!